Future Leadership

Transformation. Innovation. Disruption

simple. curious. successful

The Future is the unknown. It is up to us to shape it, well. Why don´t we cultivate a future worth living plus in a way that your organisation can grow successfully towards it, too.

Our Services - Our Bestsellers

Your needs are welcome - or we adapt existing products or we develop new ones. Let´s talk 🙂

Keynotes and Presentations

The Topics: Future, Leadership and #LearningFromDisruption

Future Labs

Our oustanding bestseller! Think Tank Concerts - Thinking together, activated by live music.


Zukunft denken 5.0

Wer Zukunft denkt, muss neu denken: Gemeinsames Denken und Handeln, leicht und gleichzeitig tiefgründig leben.

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Trainings and Coaching

How learning happens best - in a deep dive, online learning journeys and retreats

Coaching und Training

Online Formate

Online Lernevents, Online Teamevents, Online Meeting Facilitation, Online Keynotes.

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Coaching und Training

Executive Coaching

Dein Benefit: Neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen, Möglichkeitsräume betreten, für den Umgang mit Krisen, das Finden neuen Ideen und deine Leadership Entwicklung.

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Thinking Innovation - Education, Youth, Society

Only who can think evolvement can shape evolvement


Zukunft denken 5.0

Wer Zukunft denkt, muss neu denken: Gemeinsames Denken und Handeln, leicht und gleichzeitig tiefgründig leben.

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Curious about Karola? Find here her bilingual Live Podcast

Your leadership team is the best, and that is why you want to inspire them again and again...

Karola is your first choice if you want (them) to master these three points:

A profound skill of how to harvest energy from the danger of failure.

The courage to handle radical change successfully.

The ability to turn challenges in chances.

Getting ready for the next big step

Stop steering, start leading

Stop controlling, start shaping

Stop "business as usual", start living innovation

Karola is your best sparring partner if

you want to walk your path not just successfully yet

with curiosity and ease,

uncomplicatd , although it is getting complex,

and boldly human

She is your Spin Doctor

for Future Leadership,

for Transformation,

for a seasoned way of learning from disruption

Karola´s Future Leadership Hack

Be curious! About yourself, about others and about the new world. Create impact! With lightness and purpose.

Fro the Keynote "We have bever done this so far, for sure it will be good"
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